Tuesday, January 19, 2016


I have not read or studied epics before. However, this course really appeals to me because I have close friends that are Hindu and I have always been interested in their culture. My friend and I are actually wanting to plan a trip to India soon. I have chosen the second Ramayana. I chosen this version because of the multiple authors that have contributed to this version. I think this will allow for better interpretation. Also, the opportunity to read this online seems like it may be more accessible and allow me to read more at home. Below is the image I found most interesting.

Krishna, Arjuna and Pradyumna fight the Demon Nikumbha
(circa1820, shown in Sotheby catalog)

I am curious about this picture because of the endless possibilities that could have occurred to bring these people to this predicament/fight. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is such a great picture, isn't it? What you see there is an attack by Krishna, Arjuna, and Krishna's son Pradyumna on a demon named Nikumbha... and demon-fighting is going to be one of the main themes of the Ramayana! As for Krishna and Pradyumna, just last summer an Indian author published a GREAT novel about Pradyumna, very modern, very exciting to read; you might want to consider that for the second half of the semester: Pradyumna: Son of Krishna
