Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Storybook Favorites

Tales of Kailasa
This story intrigued me because the main character was actually a mountain instead of a person. I found the story to be unique and something that I might potentially write about myself. I read a few of the stories and I enjoyed the transformation and growth of the relationship between the mountain Kailasa and the hermit. The story entails many emotions of love, death, sorrow, and companionship. I find the story has many angles and stories hat intrigues me. I am looking forward to writing my own story that involves all of these emotions. I enjoyed the layout of the story, however, I felt the tab should have had introduction to make it easier on the reader (it was not hard to navigate, I just would have added “Introduction: Kailasa and the Hermit”).

By Bhagyati Nath

Diary of Karma
I find the idea of Karma very interesting and can create great stories that involve personal conflict in the main characters due to their own actions. Reading the introduction, I noticed that the author provides a few stories that include characters that face issues many years after poor choices they have made. The stories have potential to really dig deep in the characters minds on important decisions they need to make, allowing the stories to communicate well to the reader. I find that the stories that I can relate to are the best to read. Therefore, the process of making decisions and the following effects of those decisions are something that anyone can relate to. I find this to be my favorite story of the three because of the idea of karma and the potential stories that can branch off of the idea of karma. This had the best layout for me due to its breaking up the different stories that all relate to karma.

Dasaratha and the Dead Young Man

The Story of Ravana

The introduction starts off with a quick story of a famous king and the consequences of his thirst for revenge. The ultimate consequence of any decision is death, and King Ravana suffered that fate. The other stories are written from the king’s grandfather, recounting the life of the king and how he came into power. The stories depict the hardships of the young king, along with his dedication and hard work to be the best. I typically enjoy stories of people working hard and facing many trials to get to where they are now, therefore, I really enjoyed this story. I enjoyed the layout of this storybook, allowing me to understand what was going on easily. 


  1. I also enjoyed The Diary of Karma. My favorite aspect was how the author gave human characteristics to karma, something I had only ever considered an ethical guideline. I also found it satisfying when all the characters got what they deserved, even if it was years down the line. I think it was also my favorite story out of the three story books I read.

  2. Trevor, I found your stories that you posted very interesting as well. I think I will have to agree with Andrew Wright and say that my favorite one was the Diary of Karma. It is strange to see the concept of Karma given personification as it's done in this story. I also wanted to comment that the Diary of Karma had an up most interesting picture to go along with it. I think it helps make the most of the story.

