Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Introduction to a Future Petroleum Engineer

Hello my name is Trevor Eckard. I am originally from Boerne, Texas near San Antonio, however, in high school I moved to McKinney, Texas just north of Dallas. I am currently a junior Petroleum Engineer (PE) and plan on graduating in the 2017 Spring. The coolest thing about being a PE is the many opportunities to travel and experience new locations. You can either stay in the United States, go offshore, or even go out of the country to European or South American countries. Last summer I had an internship with Denbury Resources in Houston, Texas. It was an awesome experience and I am lucky to say I have an internship with them again in Plano, Texas next summer. 
This past break, I was able to go with my family to Dominical in Costa Rica. We were able to go the beach, ATV through the rainforest, and hike to many amazing sights. The best thing we were able to do was to hike to Nauyaca Waterfall. The 200 foot waterfall is surrounded by lush vegetation and numerous animals, such as the howler monkey. If you ever make it down to Costa Rica, I highly recommend visiting the Nauyaca Waterfall.

My favorite book series is the Vince Flynn series about Mitch Rapp, a young aspiring CIA agent and his life after becoming one of the top agents. It is a great series that includes historically correct events with entertaining stories about Rapp’s adventures. Also, I am a huge movie person, with my favorite movie being the Shawshank Redemption. Other favorites include the Batman series, The Departed, and The Prestige. I am usually up for any movie and am always looking for great new movies! And to go along with the movie scene, my favorite snack food is popcorn by far. I definitely love going to the movie theater just get popcorn with jalepenos (trust me it’s good).
My hobbies include cooking, poker, and playing sports (specifically basketball). Even though I do not play basketball competitively anymore, I love to play basketball with friends up at the Huff or Lifetime in Dallas. I am a huge Spurs fan! I enjoy playing and watching almost any sport though and know plenty of useless sports trivia.  

Nice to meet everyone.


Here is a video of the best trick plays in college football: Top Teen Trick Plays of College Football


  1. I also really enjoyed Costa Rica. I visited in 8th grade. The things I enjoyed most were the beach (the waves were huge), zip lining through the rain forest, and seeing a small eruption of the Arenal Volcano at night. I also visited the Cafe Britt, a coffee bean roaster. Since then, I have also been a big fan of Cafe Britt. Unlike you though, I found the howler monkeys more annoying than anything else.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have never been to Costa Rica, but I want to go! I absolutely love traveling and waterfalls are one of my favorite things. ATV through the rainforest sounds like an amazing experience. I am so jealous! I used to play basketball as well, so I respectively say this, "Boo Spurs!" :) Good luck with your half marathon! I am assuming you are running the Memorial Marathon. You are going to rock it! It was nice meeting you!

  4. Look at that! I also went to Costa Rica This past break! However we didn't do that beautiful waterfall. We did spend some time in La Fortuna and went to the Rio Celeste. Which was gorgeous! You are super lucky to have an internship this coming summer. I hear those are hard to come by. I have an internship at Spirit Aerosystems up in Wichita this summer doing research and development, I am super excited. I was stuck doing stress analysis last year and hated it.

  5. I am just amazed at all the Petroleum Engineers in the class this semester, Trevor: that is so cool! My grandfather was in the oil business (although he died when my mother was a baby; I never knew him), and my father's brother and my cousin were also in the oil business — that's what happens when you come from Texas I guess! And you have made me curious about Vince Flynn; I really like espionage novels, both fictional and also real-life events fictionalized. Maybe you can explore an espionage theme/style for stories about the epics: just like in any major, prolonged battle, there are acts of espionage, spies, etc. You could invent some spy characters of your own, and use them to infiltrate the opposing sides. There are also some actual modern thrillers that you might want to read in the second half of the semester that are inspired by the epics: Samhita Arni's Missing Queen is about the Ramayana but told in the style of a modern thriller about events after the end of the war, and there are two books by Ashwin Sanghi, who is kind of the Dan Brown of Indian fiction today! All really fun to read!

  6. Nice to meet you Trevor!
    As I am sure you have heard, there are quite a few of us PE's in this class (I'm not exactly sure why). I am just one year ahead of you, as I graduate this May. Keep at it, it sounds like you're doing great!
    Batman is also one of my favorite series. I wonder, is he your favorite superhero as well?

    I'm sure we will speak again!

  7. Hey, nice to meet you, Trevor! I'm glad to meet another reader. I don't read in your genre, but appreciate that you READ! (Something that not enough people do!) Your reading will also help with the writing that you do for this class.

    Also it's cool that you like to cook! I like to cook as well, I enjoy baking more though.

    And Costa Rica sound amazing and beautiful! I've never been out of the country. But, wow what a place to go! Also, going to interesting places like that can serve as content in your stories that you write for this class. Especially first hand experience with waterfalls, which seems like it would fit in great in our Indan Epics class!

  8. Hello, Trevor!

    I have seen a couple other engineering majors in this class so far. I must say, I am always really impressed when people chose to pursue engineering. It is tough work, and I have the upmost respect for anyone who can successfully navigate the program! I’ve never really thought about the travel opportunities that come with being a petroleum engineer, but that makes total sense! I bet you have some great adventures ahead of you.

    I would love to go to Costa Rica! Your picture was so beautiful, and it sounds like you had an amazing time.

    It was nice getting to know you, and good luck with the semester!


  9. Hi Trevor! It is nice to meet you! It is funny to see that you are a petroleum engineer because I feel like I have seen a lot of engineers in this class. I also saw that you have an internship in Plano, TX which is where I am from! It is a fun city to be in and make sure to check out down town Plano for some good food.


  10. Hey Trevor! I am in pretroleum engineering too. I am a senior this year though. Congratulation on locking in internships in such a rough market! Ive been to Costa Rica a couple times and have visited Dominical many times. I’m not positive that it was Nauyaca, but I got to take a horse back tour back to some amazing waterfalls. Costa Rica is one of my favorite places in the world. I wish the best for you in your future.

  11. Trevor,

    First off, all this talk of traveling makes me really want to go all over the world! I would love to have a career where I can travel to so many beautiful places. I’m also really interested about the book series you recommended. It sounds so interesting!! I also absolutely loveeee sports. Even though I’m not a Spurs fan, I have so much respect for Pop and the team! My brother-in-law is a big Spurs fan so I can’t dislike them even if I wanted to haha! Also, I think you have the best introduction so far that I’ve seen because of the video of the best trick plays in college football that you have at the end. I love watching those for fun! Nice to meet you!

  12. Hello Trevor, it is very nice to meet you. I must say I am very impressed by the trip you took during the break. I can't even imagine what it must have felt like to hike through such beautiful areas like the Nauyaca Waterfall. I do hope to experience for myself one day. Your favorite book series is quite intriguing. I have never heard of it before, but your description got me curious so I may check it out the next I have some free time.

  13. Hi Trevor,

    I've been to Costa Rica too! I was like eleven when I went, but still. It was super beautiful there and I spent most of my time trying to convince my mom to let me have all of the animals there. The sights are amazing. I loved hiking through the forests and seeing volcanoes! Popcorn with jalepenos sounds... interesting. I must try it. It was nice meeting you!

  14. Costa Rica looks like a beautiful place to visit, you were incredibly lucky to have been and experienced so much. I was a huge Spurs fan in high school, but afterwards I stopped watching televised sports. I have no idea why, just found some really great shows to become obsessed about. I still like the Spurs and if given the opportunity and means to see them play I would. I find that I enjoy actually going to sporting events then watching them. For instance, I just won tickets for a Thunder game next week! Even though, I’m not a fan of Thunder per say, I’m still excited and maybe they can change my mind! Anyways, is was nice talking to you and good luck on your future job (which blows my mind and makes mine seem really unimportant).

  15. Aren't waterfalls awe-inspiring? I hiked up to one in Hawaii and was blown away by the beauty. Did you happen to jump off of the waterfall? I did.... and immediately regretted it. Water hurts. I have to admire anyone that makes it through the petroleum engineering program. I have a few friends that did it and I did not envy them. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?

  16. Hi Trevor! I loved the video about all the trick college football shots! It is insane the level of athleticism they have! I can barely walk and talk at the same time let alone catch a ball flying through the air at incredible speeds. Some of those trick plays were so simple it made me laugh that the opposing team never thought to think out side the box and either anticipate it or think to do it themselves. I"m glad you included this video in your introduction post!

  17. Hi Trevor,

    It's great to hear that you are enjoying your major. I'm glad that you have had the opportunity to do an internship, and way to go on getting another one this summer with the same company! They sound like they were impressed by you and I wouldn't be surprised if they offered a full-time job. If you don't get a job with them where would you most like to work?

  18. Hello Trevor. I actually spent my last two years of high school studying in Costa Rica so I can attest to its beauty as a eco-tourism destination. That is pretty impressive that you can play and comment on any sport. I am more focused on soccer and even then I don't know a lot about every team because there are so many divisions. The Spurs are doing pretty well this year if I'm not mistaken (don't quote me on that haha).

  19. Hey Trevor,

    It's great to meet you! I too am petroleum engineering and I am graduating this May. I also like the flexibility of job location with the major! That's so great you have an internship this summer considering that is pretty rare at the moment. That water fall place looks so pretty! Best of luck this semester Trevor, it was a tough one!

  20. Hey Trevor!

    Nice to meet you! Your trip with your parents to Costa Rica sounds insane! I have never been to a rainforest and I cannot imagine ATVing through one! That must have been so much fun! The picture was absolutely beautiful!
    I live in Houston so it was cool to hear that you had an internship there and loved it! I think anywhere in Texas is great though, personally!
    Best of luck in your final year before graduation!

  21. Hi again Trevor. I am just trying to re-connect with all of the people that I have already contacted in order to see if anything new is going on with their blogs. I hope that the semester has been going well for you especially with this course. I look forward to reading more of your stories. Also, I like the trick play video.

  22. Hey Trevor, It’s great to see another Petroleum Engineering student here! I am glad you got called back for your internship, Congrats! I have a couple of friends from Costa Rica and they’ve always told me how beautiful it is, definitely would love to go visit there someday! I enjoy playing basketball at the huff too, but a Lakers fan! I feel for Duncan as much as Kobe they both retired as some of the greatest to ever play the game! I hope the Spurs reach the finals in the West, anyone but Durant!! Anyways, good luck in your last semester!
